Be inspired, learn and connect with the global Trimble community! Experience the latest technology in action.  Get to know the Cansel experts who will share their industry expertise and insights.   

Here are the sessions you don’t want to miss! 

DAVID MARCOUX - Industry Manager, Cansel 
with CHANTAL ARGUIN – CEO, Groupe Trifide 
The Evolution of Mobile Mapping 
Tuesday, Nov 8 (11:30 AM - 12:30 PM PST) 

DAVID LAFLAMME- Segment Manager of Aerial And Terrestrial Imaging, Cansel 
with SHERIF EL-HALAWANY – Scanning Technical Lead, Cansel
Tackling a Large-Scale Mobile Asset Mapping Challenge Into An Automated Telecom Solution 
Monday, Nov 7 (10:30 AM - 11:30 AM PST) 


AHMED EL-GHAZOULY - Professional Services Manager, Cansel 
with ASHLEY ROBERTSON – Director of Construction Services, Allnorth Consultant Ltd. 
and AKRAM AFIFI, Technical Sales Consultant, Canse
From Zero To Sixty:  Accelerating Companywide Changeover of Survey Equipment, Software Solutions to Implement Integrated Workflows on a Compressed Timeline 
Wednesday, Nov 9 (10:30 AM - 11:30 AM PST)


Need more reasons to attend Trimble Dimensions+?

Ask Ben Mallen: he's been to every Dimensions event.