Receive up to 15% discount on the new NavVis VLX system (hardware and software) when you trade in any SLAM or Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS).

Take your scanning to the next level with NavVis VLX, the best wearable mobile mapping system. 

  • Dynamic 3D reality capture

  • LiDAR sensors combined with SLAM software to deliver survey-grade point cloud quality

  • Live scanning feedback – monitor scanning in real time

  • First-of-its-kind wearable device – prevision meets ergonomics

Use your trade-in discount and upgrade to any of the NavVis VLX systems.
Offer ends December 31, 2023.


The industry-leading, wearable mobile mapping system that delivers comprehensive, highly detailed reality capture data to laser scanning professionals for complex sites, both indoor and outdoor.


The industry-trusted wearable mobile mapping system designed for laser scanning professionals that require fast, accurate, affordable reality capture of the built environment.

Contact us to get the most value out of this trade-in offer.
